The Pavement Grinding is Complete along Lake Street

The contractor removed the top surface of the existing pavement along Lake Street from Center Street to IL 83. They also sprayed a prime coat, and weather permitting, plan to pave the first layer of asphalt along Lake Street from Washington Street to IL 83 on Saturday, June 23rd.

Next week, weather permitting, the contractors plan to;

  • Pave the first layer of asphalt along Lake Street between Center Street and Washington Street.
  • Complete the remaining sections of concrete sidewalk along Lake Street from Center Street to IL 83.
  • Pave the asphalt bike path from Doolittle Park and Jamestown Court.
  • Install the traffic signal loop detectors in various locations.

Motorists should continue to expect daily lane closures and lane shifts along Lake Street as progress continues. Please be alert and aware of flaggers, construction workers, and construction equipment when traveling through the work zones.


Pavement grinding operations begin along Lake Street

The contractor framed and poured curb & gutter, concrete median, and sidewalk along Lake Street between Center Street and IL Route 83., and at the railroad crossing. The also began to grind the existing pavement along Lake Street from Center Street to IL 83.

Next week, weather permitting, the contractors plan to;

  • Continue to frame and pour concrete sidewalk along Lake Street between Center Street and IL Route 83.
  • Continue to grind Lake Street and small sections of the side streets from Center Street to Washington Street.
  • Continue pavement patching in various locations on Lake Street from Washington Street to IL 83.
  • Pave the asphalt bike path from Doolittle Park and Jamestown Court.

Motorists should continue to expect daily lane closures along Lake Street as progress continues. Please be alert and aware of flaggers when traveling through the work zones.

Several Construction Operations are ongoing along Lake Street

The contractor framed and poured sections of curb & gutter and sidewalk along Lake Street between Carol Lane and IL 83, and they removed the existing median at the railroad crossing.

Next week, weather permitting, the contractors plan to;

  • Continue to frame and pour the proposed curb & gutter, median, and sidewalk along Lake Street.
  • Continue the excavation and stone base installation for the bike path.
  • Continue to lower down the existing manhole frames in the roadway.
  • Continue to install electrical conduit for the traffic signal components.
  • Begin to grind the existing pavement and begin various pavement patching along Lake Street from Washington Street to IL 83.

Motorists should expect daily lane closures along Lake Street as the improvements continue. As always, please be alert for construction workers and equipment.

Concrete Work is Progressing

The contractor continued to remove the existing curb & gutter and sections of sidewalk along Lake Street between Carol Lane and IL 83. They also excavated for the bike path and planted trees along the bike path.

Next week, weather permitting, the contractors plan to;

  • Continue to frame and pour the proposed curb & gutter and sidewalk along Lake Street from Carol Lane to Center Street.
  • Remove and replace the existing median and curb & gutter at the railroad crossing.
  • Continue the stone base placement for the bike path.
  • Continue to lower down the existing manhole frames in the roadway.

Motorists should continue to expect daily lane closures along Lake Street as progress continues. Please be alert and aware of flaggers when traveling through the work zones.

Curb & Gutter Work Along Lake Street Continues

The contractor continued to remove the existing curb & gutter and sections of sidewalk along Lake Street between Carol lane and IL 83.

Next week, weather permitting, the contractors plan to;

  • Continue to frame and pour the proposed curb & gutter and sidewalk along Lake Street from Carol Lane to IL 83.
  • Continue the excavation and preparation for the bike path.
  • Continue to lower down the existing manhole frames in the roadway.
  • Plant new trees along lake Street from Doolittle Park to Jamestown Court.

Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend!

Lake Street Roadway Improvements Continue as Scheduled

The contractor poured the proposed curb & gutter along Lake Street, north of Washington Street.

Next week, weather permitting, the contractors plan to;

  • Continue the removal and replacement of the proposed curb & gutter and sidewalk along Lake Street from Carol Lane to IL 83
  • Begin excavation and preparation for the bike path paving
  • Begin to lower down the existing manhole frames in the roadway

Motorists should expect daily lane closures along Lake Street as the improvements continue. As always, please be alert for construction workers and equipment.

Proposed Curb & Gutter Work Begins Next Week

The contractor completed the preparation work for the proposed curb & gutter along Lake Street, north of Washington Street.

Next week, weather permitting, the contractor plans to begin the installation of the proposed curb & gutter along Lake Street from Carol Lane to IL 83.

Daily lane closures along Lake Street should be anticipated for this process, so please be alert when traveling through the work zones.

Excavation for Roadway Improvements Begins

The contractor began excavation for the proposed curb & gutter along Lake Street, north of Washington Street.

Next week, weather permitting, the contractor plans to;

  • Continue excavation for the proposed curb & gutter along Lake Street, north of Washington Street.
  • Begin to remove and replace concrete items such as sidewalk and curb & gutter along Lake Street from the railroad tracks to IL 83.

Daily lane closures along Lake Street should be anticipated as progress continues. Please be aware of flaggers, workers, and construction equipment when traveling through the work zones.

Storm Sewer Improvements are now Complete

As scheduled, the contractor completed the storm sewer installation and the saw cutting of the existing pavement along Lake Street, north of Washington Street this week.

Next week, weather permitting, the contractor plans to;

  • Continue excavation for the proposed curb & gutter along Lake Street, north of Washington Street
  • Begin to lower down the existing manhole frames in the roadway along Lake Street

Motorists should continue to expect daily lane closures along Lake Street as progress continues. Please be alert and aware of flaggers when traveling through the work zones.

Storm Sewer Work is Winding Down

Wintery conditions have not slowed progress as construction continued this week along Lake Street with the contractor progressing on the proposed storm sewer installation.

Next week, weather permitting, the contractor plans to;

  • Complete the proposed storm sewer installation along Lake Street, north of Washington Street as scheduled.
  • Continue saw cutting the existing pavement, and begin removing sections of pavement in various locations.
  • Begin excavation for the proposed curb & gutter along Lake Street, north of Washington Street.

Motorists should expect daily lane closures along Lake Street as the improvements continue. As always, please be alert when traveling through the work zones.